Today was the first time I went to a Rotary Lunch/Meeting. But I will be going to many more of these meetings before I leave. The food was really good, we had spaghetti & meatballs, salad, soup, garlic bread, and cookies. (Did I mention that I got to miss some school for this? Well, I did!) They also had an interesting speaker from the Parks Department to talk about the community center's activities and fund raisers. Besides that, I had to stand up in front of everyone and be introduced as the "
new outbound". I never imagined that I would have gotten this far, and accepted, into the Rotary Exchange program.
Later, when I was in my room doing homework, my Mom came in and we started chatting. I love talking with her, no matter what we are talking about, she always has the best advice. Then the topic somehow changed to the exchange, mainly about how I have pretty much nine months left at home before I leave. Then I kept talking about how I am growing up and that this chapter of my life is coming to an end. Out of nowhere and without warning, I just started crying. I think it was more of a bittersweet cry than anything else. It is difficult for me to believe that I'll be eighteen this summer and graduating from High School. Ever since I was little I wanted to walk across that stage and receive my diploma like everyone does in the movies. But the exchange is much, much more important to me than the ten seconds receiving the diploma in front of all my family and friends. I have to keep reminding myself, "What am I going to remember in thirty years? The year-long foreign exchange or receiving my diploma/any other important senior milestones I'll be missing?" I think we can all agree that the exchange is one of the greatest opportunities I've ever gotten to be able to do.
Cannot wait to find out my country assignment,