Sorry I'm a little late posting this week, but I, nevertheless, have a lot to catch you up on!
First, I'll start off with Sophie's goodbye party. Sophie is one of my best friends. Not a day goes by that I don't either talk to her, hang out with her, or both. This year apart will be so difficult without my best friend. But I know she'll have a great year in Denmark!
Here is Bruno at Sophie's party in front of a really huge Danish Flag, painted by Sophie's sister.
Also, Sophie sent me these quotes on Pinterest that perfectly describe our friendship, and I thought I share them. Anyway, after going to Hyde Brothers Books, we headed to Butler, Indiana for Sydney's goodbye party. Her party was at her Pond, which is about 15 minutes away from Butler. Here is a picture of Sophie and I at the party:
The next day Sophie, Nicole, Bruno, and I went to this bookstore downtown called Hyde Brothers Books. It is in this old house that was renovated into a book store. Sophie and I agreed that even if we spent all day there looking at books, we still wouldn't be able to see everything they had! Here is Sophie at the book store:
{Don't mind the Canadian Flag, it's a long story haha}
Her party was really fun! We played Cornhole, fed the fish, and made Apple Pudgy Pies in the Bonfire. You will be missed Sydney. Hope you have a fun year in Australia!
Also, here are some funny posts I saw about foreign exchange students: